Friday we saw a spotted fawn and a doe wandering around our place and then this morning they were down by the pond along with five small bucks. I always thought bucks traveled alone, but these five were all hanging out together, no fighting, just easting the green leaves on the small aspen. They're young and still have velvet on their antlers, so maybe that's why they're still hanging out together. I had to take the pictures through the window and the screen on the back porch because I didn't want to go outside and scare them away. The pics turned out pretty good considering. Ray first spotted the bucks while I was getting my second cup of coffee. I grabbed my camera and shot some pictures through the window looking down at them. Then we went out the back door and on to the screened porch where I took a few more.
We've had a busy weekend. Ray cut down a couple dozen trees yesterday and then he cut them to length and we stacked them. The smaller ones are now on the porch ready for fall and winter and the rest will need to be split. It's a good start though on the winter supply. It is sad to see so many dead trees, but I guess that's life. The beetle kill is still raging and before you know it all of the larger pines will be dead. There are a lot of little ones sprouting up to take their place, but it takes time for them to grow. The aspen are thriving though with out the pines around to steel the sun.