Thursday, September 30, 2010

Snow Cat

We got news today that our Snow Cat should be delivered next week. Is it crazy to get excited about a snow cat?

It's going to be pretty cool though.

Photos to come--oh and the Snow Cat will be named The Ark--Why?

Because it used to be owned by NOAA

:) (Wil's idea)

Oh and Happy 50th Birthday to the Flintstones!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Indian Summer?

The temperatures have been in the 70s for a few weeks now and I'm loving it. I'm getting kind of spoiled and I'm afraid I'll be disappointed when the weather turns cold and then colder.
But for now it sure is nice to be able to sit outside and eat outside and go for our afternoon walk without worrying about bundling up.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Here Kitty

Believe it or not we have a kitty in our yard. He must be really lost. I wonder where he came from? I hope he sticks around. It's kind of nice having a domestic animal around.

We also saw several piles of elk doo on our walk today, so that means the elk are coming down and we'll probably start seeing them soon.

Oh and I almost forgot to mention the moose. Jeez we see so many of them lately.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Is it legal to backblog? I felt a little backlogged on my blogging so I've posted a few new blogs that happened earlier this month.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Little Miss Muffett has Nothing on Me

For a week or two now Ray has been monitoring the progress of his new pet. This one is right outside our bedroom Window.

I hope he doesn't find his way inside.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First Snow and a Fox in the Yard

When I got up this morning it was cold outside, so I went out on the front porch and got some kindling to start a fire. I thought I heard a dog barking, which in a normal neighborhood is not uncommon, but in mine is rare except for weekends.
It was still dark outside and I was half asleep, so I was really surprised when the sun finally came up and I realized it had snowed overnight.
The other really nice surprise was the pretty little fox that was running around just below my office window.

Monday, September 6, 2010


Ray and I decided to participate in local festivals and events when we moved here. The nearest town is 30 miles to the North, so that's where we shop and eat out. We invited our kids and grandkids to come and go with us to the rodeo and I really enjoyed it.
It had been years since I had gone to one. I took a lot of photos and found new features on my camera that were pretty cool.