Sunday, April 19, 2009

Gratitude and Attitude and the Law of Attraction

I have kept a gratitude journal off and on through the years and I like to read through the old ones now and again. Some of the entries make me smile while others bring tears. Even the tears though come with a sweet memory, so it's not that gratitude is no longer a part of it.

The reason I keep a journal is that I believe being grateful for the wonderful things in your life is the way to attracting more of these things.

Today I'm grateful for the warmth of the wood fire, the bright blue sky, porch rockers, and a pleasant and loving companion.

I'm grateful every morning for good health and for being a positive person by nature. It just makes everything so much easier when you can start each day with those two things going for you. Carol King sang "You're beautiful as you feel" and I believed her. If I have a theme song, that's it.

I have a note posted next to my treadmill that says "Focus on what you want and NOT on what you don't want." This is a reminder to myself that I need to focus on being thin and healthy and forget about the imperfections that my mind wanders toward . . . if I let it.

Today I read an article in the Catalyst written by Jeannette Maw. Here's a quote from the article that I really like. "Our attention is powerful. What we focus on grows. And it's really easy to think we're focusing on the solution when we're actually dialed directly on the problem."

Think peace, think health, think prosperity, think beauty.

1 comment:

  1. Great perceptions. Being the optimist, instead of the pessimist.
    Good to see another post from you. Thought you were completely snowed in.
