A month
or so ago I got a letter from Sears telling me my brand new washer needed a circuit board replacement due to problem they had discovered with one of the rinse cycles. The instructions said to call and they would mail out a new circuit board and schedule a technician to come to my home to replace it.
When I called I spoke to a really nice lady in Texas and explained that we would love to have the technician come to our home, but did she realize it would require a snowmobile ride for part of the way? She assured me that my address indicated I lived in a remote area and she was certain the technicians were used to getting in to places like mine.
I was doubtful to say the least.
As is often the case, when the circuit board was sent, the address they used on the package was our physical location rather than our mailing address. Thank goodness the UPS guy called and asked me where I lived. He was kind enough to put the correct address on the box and route it to Wyoming so it could get delivered to me. Sure enough the package showed up two days later.
This morning I was doubtful (due to our experience trying to get the Dish Network technicians to show up) that the technician would really come as planned.
He called around 8:30 or so and spoke to my husband who explained where we were, gave him very specific instructions to call when he reached the nearest town so we would have an estimated time of arrival and Ray could meet him out on the highway to bring him in.
AND (drum roll please) Everything worked as planned.
So here's to Mel the Sears technician from Salt Lake City. You're on my list of great service providers.